The Boys
Welcome to "The Boys" podcast, where business partners Jeremy, Stuart, and Dwayne come together after two decades of collaboration to share their expertise and passion for all things decor, home design, business, and floral design. Join this dynamic trio as they delve into the world of aesthetics, offering valuable insights, practical tips to elevate your living spaces, and a few laughs along the way.
But it's not just about design; it's about spreading joy and making the process enjoyable for everyone. The podcast is infused with the camaraderie and humor that comes from years of friendship and collaboration. Expect lively discussions, entertaining anecdotes, and a genuine passion for creating spaces that bring happiness and comfort.
The Boys
S2:E3 Our Home Decor Pet Peeves
Sometimes there are things that just drive you up a wall, and we discuss some of those this week episode!
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Last year, you mentioned you guys are going to Europe. Have you started booking those plane tickets yet?
dwayne_1_03-06-2025_090904:Uh, we have not, Kathy went and got driver's license to fly on the plane, which I don't even have that. We're still dealing with, with some health issues. so we don't know if it's gonna happen she said this out loud last night and I was thinking it, that the state of where our perception is of being America and Europe doesn't feel real good. I don't know that, you know, with our baseball caps and our fanny packs and our, robust bodies, that we stand out as Americans. I don't know if we necessarily need to go to Europe next year until things calm down truthfully. So we'll
stuart_1_03-06-2025_090907:Well, nice. Americans are okay there. Assholes don't need to go
stuart_1_03-06-2025_090907:Okay. Well let's talk about our thing today.
jeremy_1_03-06-2025_090908:Okay. Okay. Um, so for today, know, I try to read articles and I, I'm a Buzzfeed, article Nut. I mean, I'm always happy to read a list, um, of things that people have to say about anything. And I came across this story and it was, I think it was called something like titled like, okay boomers. They're trends that they hate or something like that. But basically it was written from their perspective of people who were of a certain age and there were things that were in houses that just drove them crazy. And the, the first one that I read made me cackle out loud.'cause I just thought it was so funny, the reasoning. Um, but it was very true. And then it made me think of. I'm sure knowing the three of us, because we're all very opinionated, that there are things that we personally detest or are ready for them to leave or that they just need to go away and we're not saying, this is, again, for trying to tell people if they have this in their house that it's awful. It's just like
stuart_1_03-06-2025_090907:Oh no. I'm gonna tell him.
dwayne_1_03-06-2025_090904:you know, I'm gonna tell'em too.
stuart_1_03-06-2025_090907:Yeah, no,
dwayne_1_03-06-2025_090904:it out.
jeremy_1_03-06-2025_090908:you know,
stuart_1_03-06-2025_090907:that's why you hired me to come there. We're taking out what's bad, Uhhuh. Yep.
jeremy_1_03-06-2025_090908:well, um, so the first one says two sinks and two mirrors. they're talking about in a, in a primary bathroom, they said, and no medicine cabinet. You have to downward dog to get your heartburn medicine.
stuart_1_03-06-2025_090907:Wait, what was the age group of this survey?
jeremy_1_03-06-2025_090908:well, this was for boomers and so this was, um, you
jeremy_1_03-06-2025_090908:Old, older, and so there's no hate to boomers, but I just thought it was so funny that, you know, if you don't have a medicine cabinet, that that was like, okay, now your medication has to go underneath of the, the, uh,
jeremy_1_03-06-2025_090908:and they're having to do the downward dog, like, you know, bend all the way down and out.
dwayne_1_03-06-2025_090904:and it's called a basket dumbass.
jeremy_1_03-06-2025_090908:it's not. You can, it's not spicy.
dwayne_1_03-06-2025_090904:can't, can't reach down three feet oh, let me get this basket with my stuff and bring it out. And then you put it back,
jeremy_1_03-06-2025_090908:Okay. This was not meant to be listeners. This was not
jeremy_1_03-06-2025_090908:judgmental, hateful episode.
stuart_1_03-06-2025_090907:it sorta is
jeremy_1_03-06-2025_090908:this was meant to be a fun look at, you know what, at different po
jeremy_1_03-06-2025_090908:Hold on. No, I'm say at fun point.
dwayne_1_03-06-2025_090904:how many bathrooms have you done that you've put vanity, uh, or, uh, what is it called? Uh,
stuart_1_03-06-2025_090907:missing cabinet.
dwayne_1_03-06-2025_090904:what they're called. How, how many medicine cabinets have you put in a bathroom in your 27 years of illustrious interior design, bougie bathrooms that you've fucking done?
dwayne_1_03-06-2025_090904:Thank you. Moving on next.
jeremy_1_03-06-2025_090908:none of,
jeremy_1_03-06-2025_090908:no, what I'm, I was just pointing that out, that some of us, because of size. Age may have a little bit more of a struggle. And this relates to my first pet peeve that this is the thing that I hate. So I could have identified with this.'cause I could see me being 65 trying to bend over to get, I'm not the 60 fives old by any means. I, you know, it's absolutely
stuart_1_03-06-2025_090907:Do you not got a drawer in your vanity?
jeremy_1_03-06-2025_090908:Well, the picture that they put with this was that there was, it was basically like an open vanity. Like there was just like a little
stuart_1_03-06-2025_090907:So it was a cheap cabinet. That doesn't even count.
jeremy_1_03-06-2025_090908:inex excuse.
stuart_1_03-06-2025_090907:It doesn't count.
jeremy_1_03-06-2025_090908:Okay. Lord. Beat it to death. Okay.
jeremy_1_03-06-2025_090908:my number one,
jeremy_1_03-06-2025_090908:well, I know a brother, but I, it just went away. I didn't expect it to go, but you know what, that's, that's how this goes. Okay. My number one thing that I would really love for it to go away and we experienced it this weekend. we were coming back from visiting friends and we stopped at a home accessory furniture store.'cause we don't have one here in our area and Jeremy wanted to look around and so we stopped and they had this, you know, pretty furniture, beautiful fabrics, you know, all those kind of things. But they were all so low, like I felt like I had to fall into them to get into them and to get out of them I would have to roll out onto the floor, onto my hands and knees. And then stand up. And this is a very common thing for me when there's furniture that's really super low, and this was not cheap furniture. Like the, the sofa was$8,000. And I'm like, I have to like install a lift to get me off of the sofa.
dwayne_1_03-06-2025_090904:pay? Why would you put a price? Hang on like that. That's goofy.
jeremy_1_03-06-2025_090908:Well, I mean, it was a big sofa.
stuart_1_03-06-2025_090907:it's the look. It's the look.
jeremy_1_03-06-2025_090908:know. And Jeremy goes, oh,
stuart_1_03-06-2025_090907:Was it like mid-century
dwayne_1_03-06-2025_090904:of you designers have sold an$8,000 sofa?
stuart_1_03-06-2025_090907:I sold two last month.
dwayne_1_03-06-2025_090904:Okay, well
dwayne_1_03-06-2025_090904:some dumb ass people.
stuart_1_03-06-2025_090907:Just go back to your blowup pool in Heartland.
jeremy_1_03-06-2025_090908:he is in a
stuart_1_03-06-2025_090907:God, no kidding. Lord, have mercy.
jeremy_1_03-06-2025_090908:know, these, and those were exceptions, right? Like, that's not, that's not been a very common thing, but it was also huge. One was a sectional kind of like thing, but one of'em was just a normal three person sofa, you know? You know, it is what it is.
jeremy_1_03-06-2025_090908:It's not the norm.
dwayne_1_03-06-2025_090904:know that's not,
jeremy_1_03-06-2025_090908:No. I mean, in my personal home,
jeremy_1_03-06-2025_090908:have an 8,000 sofa in my sunroom. We have a$1,500 sofa I got from Haverty's. And it looks damn good. Uh, but when we got to the storage, he was like, oh, these, that sofa just looks so comfortable. And I realized it was the down cushions. So, you know, it has like all the, and so, you know, it does look like it's just like a little feather, like a feathery bed that you could just like launch yourself into
dwayne_1_03-06-2025_090904:Go to your bed.
jeremy_1_03-06-2025_090908:go do your pen.
jeremy_1_03-06-2025_090908:and I was like, well, it does, but have you sat in it? And then he went to go sit in it and he was like, oh, this is really low. And, you know, I'm six three. He's, he's, I don't know how tall he is. He's shorter than me. Five 10. And he's like, uh, he's not five
stuart_1_03-06-2025_090907:He's not.
jeremy_1_03-06-2025_090908:five 10. And he's like, this is low. And I'm like, if it's low for you, think about me. I mean, I'm like, if, if the Tower of Pisa had like two spare tires on either side of it, that's me. not thin. I'm just trying to say it's big, but I'm already trying to lean in to get into the sofa.
dwayne_1_03-06-2025_090904:I'm agreeing with you on
jeremy_1_03-06-2025_090908:I, the look is beautiful, but unless you're my niece can't do it at 44.
dwayne_1_03-06-2025_090904:20. You can't afford the 8,000 sofa.
jeremy_1_03-06-2025_090908:No. Well, I'm sure there's some cheaper ones, but one was, you know, was just, I, I guess what I was trying to say, was it, I wasn't at Ikea, right? Like, that's not where we were at. We were at a, a
jeremy_1_03-06-2025_090908:song. But that is like, for me, because of my size, height and all that is one that I'm like, just, I want it to go away forever.
dwayne_1_03-06-2025_090904:wouldn't want it because of his age, so he couldn't get outta it, so,
stuart_1_03-06-2025_090907:I mean, no.
jeremy_1_03-06-2025_090908:could probably jump up out of it much faster than I could,
dwayne_1_03-06-2025_090904:well, he, yeah. He's the sp of all of us. Yes.
jeremy_1_03-06-2025_090908:you know?
dwayne_1_03-06-2025_090904:anything, uh, on an angle, a clipped corner, a corner fireplace, which you don't see very often,
dwayne_1_03-06-2025_090904:still walk into new builds that they have a, a clipped corners, and it's like, just square it off.
dwayne_1_03-06-2025_090904:Why? would you do
jeremy_1_03-06-2025_090908:I know. It makes it so awkward.
dwayne_1_03-06-2025_090904:no, no ever.
dwayne_1_03-06-2025_090904:my easy one. Never anything on an angle. No.
jeremy_1_03-06-2025_090908:Uh, I, uh, for some reason I guess I looked at something a little too long once on Facebook, and now I keep getting all these like house plans advertised to me and I'll always look at them and it's always interesting to see, how they lay things out. And then I'm like, absolutely not. I've never build this. I could afford it. but every time they put one of those damn angled walls in, it's like somebody just went in and they decided they just wanted to get funky.
stuart_1_03-06-2025_090907:Right, right.
jeremy_1_03-06-2025_090908:it, it.
dwayne_1_03-06-2025_090904:on the, Francisco house and it had angled corners when you walk in the foyer, and it did make sense in that one, and it, it made moments. That's the only one I think I've ever worked on. Usually, like you say, it's just this random, let's be an
stuart_1_03-06-2025_090907:Let's put a pantry in the corner of the kitchen.
dwayne_1_03-06-2025_090904:Uhhuh, Uhhuh Uhhuh. Exactly,
jeremy_1_03-06-2025_090908:Mm mm
dwayne_1_03-06-2025_090904:being cheap.
jeremy_1_03-06-2025_090908:Do you have one, Stewart?
stuart_1_03-06-2025_090907:Oh my God. You know, she got,
jeremy_1_03-06-2025_090908:got planning
stuart_1_03-06-2025_090907:I got plenty, but my number one, she got rich on it. She sold it to a lot of people. She put it in every episode for seven years. Shiplap, no.
dwayne_1_03-06-2025_090904:See, I'd love, I just did a
stuart_1_03-06-2025_090907:Uh, don't,
dwayne_1_03-06-2025_090904:it. Love
stuart_1_03-06-2025_090907:no. Mm-hmm. Don't even justify it.
dwayne_1_03-06-2025_090904:Love it. No. Oh,
dwayne_1_03-06-2025_090904:pool bathroom with blue and white checkered, uh, tile. It is a door
stuart_1_03-06-2025_090907:You should have tiled the wall.
dwayne_1_03-06-2025_090904:Oh, no, no.
dwayne_1_03-06-2025_090904:and it's sexy.
stuart_1_03-06-2025_090907:mm mm-hmm.
jeremy_1_03-06-2025_090908:is an example
stuart_1_03-06-2025_090907:Did you put, did you put a corner? Did you put a corner shower in it? Yeah.
dwayne_1_03-06-2025_090904:Oh. Oh,
dwayne_1_03-06-2025_090904:going there today, aren't you? You going there?
stuart_1_03-06-2025_090907:Uhuh. Nope.
jeremy_1_03-06-2025_090908:Here is a, a, a, a perfect example of why we as a species cannot have anything nice. Because when, Joanna started, well, this is, this is when bastardize everything right, every,
jeremy_1_03-06-2025_090908:it. So, you know, uh, uh oh hell, the word, what's it called? uh.
jeremy_1_03-06-2025_090908:Okay. So, you
stuart_1_03-06-2025_090907:beadboard is acceptable. However.
stuart_1_03-06-2025_090907:Shiplap is not.
jeremy_1_03-06-2025_090908:shiplap has been around forever, right? It's been, it's been around forever and it was used in a lot of different ways. And what happened was then when she fell in love with it and then she liked to use it, she used it as texture, right? She just a little bit of interest, a little bit of trim,
jeremy_1_03-06-2025_090908:of things. And I won't say that she always used it.
dwayne_1_03-06-2025_090904:for poor people.
jeremy_1_03-06-2025_090908:Yeah. There we go. Um, I won't say that she always used it in like the perfect situation because I think if your home is true to the style or character and that works, use it. Right? But then what happened was because, Lacey, who lives three houses down, who wanted to add some character to her, um, foyer or whatever, who lives in like a Georgian colonial
stuart_1_03-06-2025_090907:I was gonna say it's Cape Cod or Colonial. Yeah.
jeremy_1_03-06-2025_090908:she starts, you know, she starts throwing shit and then everybody starts just putting it everywhere. And that's where I'm like, we took, you took one good thing and then just completely ruined it. Because now it is kind of like overkill. Right? I do think that people do put it kind of everywhere.
dwayne_1_03-06-2025_090904:not disagreeing with Stewart about that. Uh, as that idea, it's everywhere and it's overkill and it's not always used in appropriate
dwayne_1_03-06-2025_090904:But like I would say,
dwayne_1_03-06-2025_090904:at me. It's like, but I always looking for that used piece of gum. So I believe it has its purpose
jeremy_1_03-06-2025_090908:Oh yeah,
dwayne_1_03-06-2025_090904:a quarter Fireplace never has a purpose, right.
stuart_1_03-06-2025_090907:No, it does not. Ever, ever. Well, it became something that people didn't know what to do with the wall. They're like, oh, let's just shiplap it and paint it.
dwayne_1_03-06-2025_090904:And that's true.
jeremy_1_03-06-2025_090908:And that's
stuart_1_03-06-2025_090907:And the builders were like, great. We don't even have to finish that wall. Just put that shiplap on there.
dwayne_1_03-06-2025_090904:yeah. I'm
stuart_1_03-06-2025_090907:And it's like, no
stuart_1_03-06-2025_090907:Uhuh, no
jeremy_1_03-06-2025_090908:I do, I agree with you.
dwayne_1_03-06-2025_090904:overdone. It
stuart_1_03-06-2025_090907:overdone. Mm-hmm.
dwayne_1_03-06-2025_090904:say, um, and again, has given me pause to use it very much because it's like everywhere. But, um, the, the. Well, you know, um, Lorena and Brian's house, which is a little house that looks like sudden living schoolhouse and it looks like it's from 1923. It has shiplap in it
jeremy_1_03-06-2025_090908:And it looks like it should. Mm-hmm.
dwayne_1_03-06-2025_090904:but it has that feel to it. And, but honestly what you're saying, Stuart, it, it made me pause for a minute and say, oh my God, is that trendy? And it's all,
dwayne_1_03-06-2025_090904:Is it done to death? Yes. But in this one it isn't trendy. It is style
stuart_1_03-06-2025_090907:Well, that was indicative to the house,
dwayne_1_03-06-2025_090904:percent. A hundred percent. And it goes back to
stuart_1_03-06-2025_090907:not, what should I put behind my tv? Oh, let's just shiplap it and paint it black. No,
dwayne_1_03-06-2025_090904:and I
dwayne_1_03-06-2025_090904:used shiplap maybe four times ever. And this, this bathroom, I have to say. It the way that, John, did the, the bathroom, has a nice little, little line in it. It reads very sophisticated, it's very polished and very, very well done. And the ceiling's painted, you know, paint blue and. has a colonial kind of feel to it.
dwayne_1_03-06-2025_090904:a very tight little bathroom. And the fact is, you know, we're gonna have little boys use this and it's oil based and they can wipe it down. And they didn't have to deal with walls.
jeremy_1_03-06-2025_090908:pressure washing day.
dwayne_1_03-06-2025_090904:They could press just about truthfully. And that was a factor. I'm not being silly, I was, it was, for me, it was an aesthetic and it matched the style of the house and, and it kind of felt beachy pool house colonial.
dwayne_1_03-06-2025_090904:kind of, but it also was function that, you know, it's, it's, um, it's, uh, oil based that's really washable, basically. I said that anyway. Okay. Yeah. But not fighting you on, uh, it's, it's the, it's the, um. What's that horrible show? HGTV, uh, that network. It's that, that they've just took
dwayne_1_03-06-2025_090904:went too far with it. And you
dwayne_1_03-06-2025_090904:for$12,000. you
jeremy_1_03-06-2025_090908:No, I can't. No.
dwayne_1_03-06-2025_090904:No, you can't.
jeremy_1_03-06-2025_090908:All right. My next one,
jeremy_1_03-06-2025_090908:which drives me crazy, so there's like two parts to this. it has to do about lighting
stuart_1_03-06-2025_090907:Oh, I have a lighting one too.
jeremy_1_03-06-2025_090908:it has to do about bulbs.
jeremy_1_03-06-2025_090908:If I, if you're gonna see the bulbs,
jeremy_1_03-06-2025_090908:if you're gonna see the
jeremy_1_03-06-2025_090908:if you're gonna see the bulbs, I would rather. Lose a toe than use an O. And this is just personally, I just, I, this is how much I hate it. you have a chandelier that's o like that's open and there's not a shade on the, on the bulb, right, you're gonna see the bulb. I would rather lose a toe than put an opaque bulb in there. For some reason, they read so cheap to me, I'd rather have the clear bulb. And so you can see the filament I that makes me, I, it, it, I, I, I just, I, the number of times that I see it, and it's not just, it's not at homes, it's like you, I'll see it like in, uh, uh, uh, stores or whatever. now listen, if you have an opaque bulb. That you use in like a lamp and there's a shade and you can't see it, that's a totally different thing to me, right? I don't get to see it, but I do not wanna see this little glowing. Now, the one exception maybe are those, um, what were those chandeliers like from the seventies where I think they were seventies, where they were like a, a bunch of vertical bar, um, with gold brass bars and then they had white globe. Bulbs on the top. You know what I'm talking about. It was like, like, it, it's a very stylistic, it, it's a very stylistic look. And so if you're going for that MidCentral, like it feels very that, and I think that that does go along with that. So for me,
stuart_1_03-06-2025_090907:Like a Sputnik chandelier,
jeremy_1_03-06-2025_090908:No, I, I'll, I'll have to, I'll, I'll find a picture of it and I'll put it down on the show notes and I'll find one and show it to you later. But
stuart_1_03-06-2025_090907:which you shouldn't use those either by the way.
jeremy_1_03-06-2025_090908:Um, um, but, but, um, because when you see like classic images of those, they have like the opaque bulbs and there's something about sculpture art, like that doesn't bother me. I, I think of just like a round like rimmed chandelier that have like a lot of these, uh, well, there's one called Darna that's from, visual comfort or. Currey and Co. It's one, it's, it's, it's a very common, uh, beautiful light fixture that's just like a iron circle that's like, laying or parallel to the floor. Right. And it's just all these bulbs all the way around it. And then just, it just full of 24 opaque white bulbs. And I just want, like, I just wanna grab a baseball bat and just go to town.
jeremy_1_03-06-2025_090908:it really does. Yeah.
stuart_1_03-06-2025_090907:Well my lighting one, which we already know is if it's blue, turn it off. Oh,
stuart_1_03-06-2025_090907:2,700 to 3000 Kelvin is plenty for anybody to see. And anybody who says, well, I can see better with the other light. No, you can't. Stupid. Your colors look different. I mean, you can't see better with blue light. You can't, it doesn't, it's, it doesn't cost less money to run blue light. It doesn't, uh. It doesn't do nothing, so it's just a, uh, no, no, no, no.
jeremy_1_03-06-2025_090908:I also do not care for, uh, really cool, uh,
jeremy_1_03-06-2025_090908:above 3000 is just like, it's
stuart_1_03-06-2025_090907:Yeah. It's a no.
jeremy_1_03-06-2025_090908:I mean, 20 27 27 is really, 2,700 is
stuart_1_03-06-2025_090907:That's really where it needs to be. Yeah.
jeremy_1_03-06-2025_090908:the, to follow up from that, the other thing is if the. If the light bulbs don't, man, if the color doesn't
jeremy_1_03-06-2025_090908:And so you've got like, some of it's like warm and some of it's I,
stuart_1_03-06-2025_090907:Uhhuh there, actually, there's a, a house that I am, I helped them build it 11 years ago, and I have recently gone back because now it's time to refresh and they're, they're ready to refresh and we got some new furniture and we got, you know, some closet systems and things like that. I was walking around and I went, so we're gonna replace all of these can lights, right? And she's like, oh my God, I was hoping you wouldn't notice. I said, that is the first thing I noticed. Every single one had a different bulb in it because as,'cause as they blew out, they just got whatever bulb they put and put in it.
stuart_1_03-06-2025_090907:So I was like, no, we're replacing every single one of these in this house. So they're consistent. It's dumb.
dwayne_1_03-06-2025_090904:to let you know, um, Stuart, you and I are a running joke.
jeremy_1_03-06-2025_090908:I've thought that for
dwayne_1_03-06-2025_090904:Okay, our CPAs,
dwayne_1_03-06-2025_090904:that, uh, if you're back working with Troy and I'm back working with Leah,
stuart_1_03-06-2025_090907:Yeah, Uhhuh.
dwayne_1_03-06-2025_090904:Leah said, Troy and I have a bet. Which one's going to invoice first because y'all real slow invoicing. I was like,
stuart_1_03-06-2025_090907:I know.
dwayne_1_03-06-2025_090904:like, oh.
stuart_1_03-06-2025_090907:It's funny. Troy's wife just texted me yesterday. She's like, do I owe you money? I'm like, yeah, I'm getting to it.
dwayne_1_03-06-2025_090904:Yeah, so it's like, like, it's like, well, I said Stuart probably end up winning anyway,
stuart_1_03-06-2025_090907:And I am, like
stuart_1_03-06-2025_090907:I said, Troy, Troy controls our money anyway, so he's our CPA Damnit. He knows
dwayne_1_03-06-2025_090904:He's fine.
stuart_1_03-06-2025_090907:it's fine. I can't, I can't hide it from him. He's the one who knows everything about it.
dwayne_1_03-06-2025_090904:They're talking about us behind our back, just to
stuart_1_03-06-2025_090907:Oh, that's kind of fun.
dwayne_1_03-06-2025_090904:It is kind of fun. Okay. So for me, I keep running into this mix of, uh, finishes and like if you're doing a bathroom and, you know, people I'm working with are mostly fine about putting gold in there. Right. But they get really, really, really super hung up about. single thing has to be the exact same gold some of it you, you can put a little black in there or you can have a lot fixture. It's got a little black and gold. It goes back to the whole broil thing for me, that long as it coordinates and blends, think it has to always be the same color. Now, what I mean by that is like the faucet for me and what's in the shower should be the, the sink, right? But if you've got a light fixture. They're gonna be, a lot of times a little slightly different gold color. And I just, you know, I don't have a problem mixing that together. And so I always had to keep convincing people to say, let's, let's do, uh, this color mirror, but let's do this color of faucet. And there's this, and it's, it's, it's a science, right? Mixing it together and the
dwayne_1_03-06-2025_090904:all that kinda stuff. But I also don't really want it to all be the same color.'cause I feel like it's too matchy and it's, it's hard to do that. I
dwayne_1_03-06-2025_090904:a, it's a process to get it there.
dwayne_1_03-06-2025_090904:What you
jeremy_1_03-06-2025_090908:agree. No, I agree. And actually my other, and I don't think it's completely fair, but it has to do about bathroom finishes is Chrome. Uh. I don't like Chrome. I never have.
jeremy_1_03-06-2025_090908:I don't,
dwayne_1_03-06-2025_090904:Isn't that
stuart_1_03-06-2025_090907:See, and
jeremy_1_03-06-2025_090908:don't ever want to use it.
stuart_1_03-06-2025_090907:but Chrome is a great compliment when you, like you have polished nickel, like if you have polished nickel shower fixtures, but. Let's say your vanity lights are chrome, or there's a chrome accent, those actually go really well together.
jeremy_1_03-06-2025_090908:I can't do it together. I
jeremy_1_03-06-2025_090908:I, I,
dwayne_1_03-06-2025_090904:I can,
jeremy_1_03-06-2025_090908:I, I, and, and God bless you. But I hate
jeremy_1_03-06-2025_090908:Uh, just there's
stuart_1_03-06-2025_090907:Chrome is not my first choice, but it is.
stuart_1_03-06-2025_090907:You can, you can mix with it pretty easy. I. Yeah.
dwayne_1_03-06-2025_090904:Yeah, know, the, the kids' bathroom, you know, they're gone. But the kids' bathroom is black and white, little marble tile. And it is, it's, it's, it's, uh, subway tile and black and white and. Marble mosaic and uh, shaker type cabinetry. So it has chrome in there and it just feels and appropriate with the gold, be pretty sure would black be pretty fine, but I look at that and this is 20 years later and I go, don't need to change it. Still love it. Still love it.
jeremy_1_03-06-2025_090908:Okay, I'd burn it down. It's fine.
dwayne_1_03-06-2025_090904:it's burning
jeremy_1_03-06-2025_090908:It's personal.
dwayne_1_03-06-2025_090904:I love it. And I always, and I say this in a beautiful compliment because I've used your bathroom Jeremy, as a reference multiple, multiple times.'cause it has such beautiful warmth and depth to it. So I, I. And I get that Chrome can have a coolness to it. Uh, and your bathroom is lovely and aged and beautiful mix of colors. But I'd still go back
dwayne_1_03-06-2025_090904:again, where shiplap has its purpose. Chrome has its purpose. It's
jeremy_1_03-06-2025_090908:Yeah. Oh yeah. I'm sure.
jeremy_1_03-06-2025_090908:I'm sure it does. It's just not me.
dwayne_1_03-06-2025_090904:He ain't
jeremy_1_03-06-2025_090908:Mm, no, it is not gonna be me. You know, it's funny when you were talking about, uh, matching, uh, uh, the finishes in the, in the bathroom when we were doing our primary, um, you know, faucets are not cheap, right? Like they weren't cheap then. Right. And then you get to now and, um, you know, you know, you gotta get the, the pretty valve and the, the valve or the pretty kit, right? The, the good stuff, the handle. And, um, when it came to the, um. A faucet for the sink. The one I wanted was like$1,800. I think it was like 1800 for a faucet. And I was like, I'm not paying Adrian. I mean there's, you know, there was no way in God's green earth. And I found some website. Now listen, it came from China and I've replaced it three times. Um,
stuart_1_03-06-2025_090907:So you spent$1,200,
jeremy_1_03-06-2025_090908:no? No.'cause they, they only cost
stuart_1_03-06-2025_090907:just buy. Buy the first one
jeremy_1_03-06-2025_090908:No, I
stuart_1_03-06-2025_090907:and don't worry about it.
jeremy_1_03-06-2025_090908:multiple times. It was$50. Um, uh, uh, but they didn't, they weren't gonna be exact. And, um, I remember, um, at where we, where we bought it. I remember her looking at me and being like, are you sure? Like, they're not gonna be exact match. I'm like, they're on opposite walls in the bathroom. Like, nobody's gonna have it side by side. not, you're not gonna see. It's fine. It's fine. And it was, it turned out to be just fine.
dwayne_1_03-06-2025_090904:Yeah. Yeah.
stuart_1_03-06-2025_090907:Well, what was another, uh, contention on this list that you read?
jeremy_1_03-06-2025_090908:Well, let me get this up.'cause some of them after that were kind of stupid.
stuart_1_03-06-2025_090907:Well, the first one was stupid,
jeremy_1_03-06-2025_090908:I don't, um, this, oh this exterior, exterior steps with no hand drilling. Now I thought by code. Well, it is yes, but I thought by code you had to have handrails. Is that not true?
stuart_1_03-06-2025_090907:not if it's.
stuart_1_03-06-2025_090907:over, if it's over three steps, yes.
dwayne_1_03-06-2025_090904:Yeah, Lexington, Kentucky actually, we're always being accused more backwards. We have more codes than a lot of
stuart_1_03-06-2025_090907:Uh, there are.
dwayne_1_03-06-2025_090904:yeah, many, many, many, uh, again, 20 plus years ago when in, uh, in-laws were building cabins in the Gatlinburg area, I was walking up the steps and, and I felt the stride was off in the steps and it was like, gosh, these steps are peculiar. And I said, are you sure they matched code? He said, oh no, there's no code that has to be matched.
jeremy_1_03-06-2025_090908:Oh Lord.
stuart_1_03-06-2025_090907:I think he was being lazy. There's always a stair code.
dwayne_1_03-06-2025_090904:Uh, okay. And
dwayne_1_03-06-2025_090904:you know, you are in that world. I called Jeremy or Stewart had to gimme advice on, um, a DA, uh, bathroom, uh, question the other day.'cause that's his thing, not mine. So I, you know, I could have been lied to. I, I just, you know, I just take it for the truth. But, but I was like, oh, this, this is not good.
jeremy_1_03-06-2025_090908:Yeah, I, um. Uh, just drove by a house. Uh, I guess it was while we were outta town in Columbus and it had, I mean, it, we had to be eight steps going up to the front door and there was no handrail at all. And I thought, Lord, that is just a death trap, waiting happy. And then I thought, this is the most brilliant thing ever, if you hate company. Like, if you don't want people to come, they ain't going to come. But, you know, in our back with, at the terrace, um, just step down, there was a handrail, uh, installed there at some point before we bought the house. And it was like, I mean, honest to God, it was like iron pipe that somebody had like rigged up. So I guess, you know, Mimi could get down there in the backyard. but we cut that thing right out and so I think we have four. We have six steps that go down and sometimes I'm like, well, everybody gonna be okay. Especially if we've been out into the fire pit and we've been drinking,
stuart_1_03-06-2025_090907:Well, but if it's in the middle of the, yeah, if it's in the middle of the yard, there's no code for that
jeremy_1_03-06-2025_090908:okay, what's the
stuart_1_03-06-2025_090907:because Yeah, you're out. Yeah. It's just entering a dwelling.
dwayne_1_03-06-2025_090904:and you're
stuart_1_03-06-2025_090907:Yeah. You just Rolling the grass
dwayne_1_03-06-2025_090904:bird bath. We're
stuart_1_03-06-2025_090907:roll. Yeah. Rolling the grass.
dwayne_1_03-06-2025_090904:She cut her head on the bird bath. She was up the fourth step though.
jeremy_1_03-06-2025_090908:But you know, this is another one where you thought, I thought like, you know, like I do see stairs and I'm like, oh, that could be dangerous. I'm thinking of a certain age, like, you know, coming down and that. And then that's when I got these people's perspectives like, you know, I don't need Memaw to fall over and break herself in half. this one was because one was talking about, uh, we bought everything we were supposed to be. To have a smart home. Everything was electric lights, curtains, shades, TVs. Uh, we learned that it was supposed to update regularly, but they, uh, but they weren't updated by the previous owners and our smart home wasn't so smart and nothing ever worked. That does, that makes
stuart_1_03-06-2025_090907:That'd be annoying. Yeah.
jeremy_1_03-06-2025_090908:DI, mm. I'm out. Like I don't need a whole, a whole system thing. I look at it, it's just like a car, like I love some of the bells and whistles, like I love a heated seat. I love a, a panoramic sunroof. But then when you start like getting to like a beverage warmer or beverage cooler, I'm like, this is just one more thing to break then it's gonna cost a fortune to fix. That's when I look at these home systems where it's like, you can integrate everything in together. I don't need that. Like, I don't, I
jeremy_1_03-06-2025_090908:is coming from the person who's every lamp in the house is on a timer, and they all come on
stuart_1_03-06-2025_090907:Yeah. But a timer is different than an integrated system.
jeremy_1_03-06-2025_090908:yes. Well, and,
jeremy_1_03-06-2025_090908:they're not like a re like an old timer, like they're a digital one that connects to the phone, so we can control it from the, our phone, Not everything in the house is connected.'cause I can just see it just being like, oh, this is a disaster. And I, you know, you all have been to these homes too, I'm sure where you go in and then there's like the, the, the mechanicals room and you know, it used to just be like the mechanical of like the, you know, heating and, and the, all that kinda stuff. Now you go in there and it's like, it looks like a, a, a, a sci-fi channel because they got all these like. I don't even know what these things are that are there, that they have
jeremy_1_03-06-2025_090908:plugged into and all the little lights and all the, this controls this and this controls the sound system and this control and it all, and I'm like, this is just one big disaster.
jeremy_1_03-06-2025_090908:'cause my luck, it would just blow
jeremy_1_03-06-2025_090908:that's why I don't need it.
stuart_1_03-06-2025_090907:Yeah, we got lights all over terror and timers because God. I was walking around, turning'em off every night, and I got winded halfway back to bedroom. I was like, we need more timers.
jeremy_1_03-06-2025_090908:Well, you know, a long time ago we had a, uh, I think it was a client at Dwayne's that had, plugs underneath the windows in the front of her house that were all on
stuart_1_03-06-2025_090907:Oh yeah, for the little.
jeremy_1_03-06-2025_090908:I, and I remember thinking, oh, that is the most brilliant thing. And whenever, whenever I grow up and I got money, um, I'm gonna put that in my house. And of course now I'm like, oh, that's never gonna happen. But the, the timers have changed at all.
dwayne_1_03-06-2025_090904:You never grow up or never gonna get money.
jeremy_1_03-06-2025_090908:Uh, probably never grow up. I mean, look, the money, I don't care about money. Money is, it, it, it helps a whole lot of problems that can take care of things, but it's, it's never been one thing that I've been focused on. So it's, So it might be here one day and it might be gone the next and I won't be devastated, so,
dwayne_1_03-06-2025_090904:with the, uh, lawn care person. next.
jeremy_1_03-06-2025_090908:Uh, I'm also booking our tickets to Scotland later today. So,
stuart_1_03-06-2025_090907:Get your passport to way and get your passport.
dwayne_1_03-06-2025_090904:Okay. I.
jeremy_1_03-06-2025_090908:Another item on the list was, it says, the thing I absolutely despise in a new home is an electrical outlet turned horizontal on the baseboard. I think it's supposed to be an upscale feature in high end homes, but personally I think it looks like some architects just decided this would be trendy. Um, without looking at the downsides, baseboards are meant to serve a practical purpose
jeremy_1_03-06-2025_090908:the, that's what I thought.
stuart_1_03-06-2025_090907:which actually that's illegal to do now.
jeremy_1_03-06-2025_090908:Oh, really?
stuart_1_03-06-2025_090907:You can't put it, you can't put it in baseboard. They were in baseboards in old houses because that's the only way you could get'em. You couldn't get through four layers of brick in horse hair, plaster,
stuart_1_03-06-2025_090907:so you had to bring'em through the floor, and the baseboard was the closest place to put'em. That's why they were put there. So she
dwayne_1_03-06-2025_090904:a historic significance.
dwayne_1_03-06-2025_090904:appropriate. Next, they're wrong. They
stuart_1_03-06-2025_090907:yeah. It, it won't even pass it. It won't pass an inspection. Yeah. Move on.
dwayne_1_03-06-2025_090904:what's her name? Helen.
dwayne_1_03-06-2025_090904:know what you're talking about
jeremy_1_03-06-2025_090908:and the
stuart_1_03-06-2025_090907:that was, that was from Stan.
dwayne_1_03-06-2025_090904:Yes. Stan. Stan. Don't know who
jeremy_1_03-06-2025_090908:Well, Stan ain't cleaning the baseboards. He ain't bend nowhere to do it. Last time I cleaned the baseboards by the way, I threw my back out. So we're gonna have to, I dunno. That's
stuart_1_03-06-2025_090907:I was gonna say, get a Swiffer extender.
jeremy_1_03-06-2025_090908:I'm using, now I use the, the vacuum, the Dyson with the only one we have. Just suck it up, baby. And then I wipe it off.
jeremy_1_03-06-2025_090908:yeah, whatever we gotta do.
dwayne_1_03-06-2025_090904:landscaping vacationing going Dyson Living way. You don't have a, you don't have like a Hoover. You have
jeremy_1_03-06-2025_090908:No, it was a Christmas gift
stuart_1_03-06-2025_090907:Oh, I got a Ken Moore. Mm. I love a Ken Moore vacuum.
dwayne_1_03-06-2025_090904:the vacuum cleaner, you know, and it wasn't that expensive built into the walls, which
stuart_1_03-06-2025_090907:Right. The,
stuart_1_03-06-2025_090907:the shot, the,
dwayne_1_03-06-2025_090904:But you know what? My sweet mama, my granny had a, you ever heard of a Kirby
stuart_1_03-06-2025_090907:Oh my God. And they weighed 900 pounds. Yes. I.
dwayne_1_03-06-2025_090904:She literally ab absent abject poverty. Yet somehow she managed or wanted or bought like. A thousand dollars vacuuming cleaner, you know, 40 years ago. Right. And, um, when she passed my, for some reason my mom knew that I that and she made sure I got it. And so, uh, it still works.
dwayne_1_03-06-2025_090904:is 50, 60 years old. Still works. And it is heavy and it has a light building to it, but every once in a while I'll get it out just upstairs where there's a lot of carpeting and it's just that little memory of, uh, that vacuum cleaner. But yeah, she heavy. She
stuart_1_03-06-2025_090907:Yeah. Kirby. Mm-hmm. They're made of lead.
stuart_1_03-06-2025_090907:They are, they are. Heaviest
jeremy_1_03-06-2025_090908:heard of
stuart_1_03-06-2025_090907:thing ever.
stuart_1_03-06-2025_090907:I remember the bag kind of looked like, uh. You know, it was an exposed bag.'cause it was, you know, canvas for lack of better. And it had like a, almost like a Louis Vuitton symbol on it, but it wasn't, yeah,
dwayne_1_03-06-2025_090904:they bougie?
jeremy_1_03-06-2025_090908:still find a bag for it?
dwayne_1_03-06-2025_090904:Mm-hmm. Yeah. Yeah.
dwayne_1_03-06-2025_090904:a lot. They're still out there because they really do last forever,
stuart_1_03-06-2025_090907:I mean, there's new versions of them now, but it's like a
dwayne_1_03-06-2025_090904:And they're like three, four, 5,000,$3,000
stuart_1_03-06-2025_090907:Yeah, they're expensive. Yeah.
dwayne_1_03-06-2025_090904:Yeah. Yeah, yeah. Seriously. I I, I mean they, they really do work beautifully. That's one of those that goes back to, uh, good engineering, um, and well done, like of the Dyson.
dwayne_1_03-06-2025_090904:that they are very well done and very well, and it's like you, you have the, you have the new version of what Kirby,
stuart_1_03-06-2025_090907:It was, yeah.
jeremy_1_03-06-2025_090908:The last one I took offense to because I have this and, um, it makes me so happy. But it's just a, a main bedroom closets combined with laundry room. Meaning having a washer and dryer
stuart_1_03-06-2025_090907:Like people don't like that.
jeremy_1_03-06-2025_090908:Yeah. So they say that, that she says, why do I want the moisture from the washer and the dryer on my clothes mold? And mildly that comes to mind. I don't get it. And I'm like, well, lemme
stuart_1_03-06-2025_090907:What the fuck is she doing with her laundry? Is
jeremy_1_03-06-2025_090908:I don't know if she's like.
dwayne_1_03-06-2025_090904:your washer dryer leaking and mildew
stuart_1_03-06-2025_090907:I know.
dwayne_1_03-06-2025_090904:and D?
jeremy_1_03-06-2025_090908:I mean, I, I, it is probably, it is probably one of the best decisions we ever made when we were, when we were working
stuart_1_03-06-2025_090907:Yes, it's Smart
jeremy_1_03-06-2025_090908:'cause it, there was a little closet and it, so we're using a fourth bedroom as our closet. Um,'cause you know, no chil no children
dwayne_1_03-06-2025_090904:about, this is
jeremy_1_03-06-2025_090908:now these are old people,
stuart_1_03-06-2025_090907:which is funny because.
jeremy_1_03-06-2025_090908:are old because it's a wide range of people, but it was older.
dwayne_1_03-06-2025_090904:the age of what? What's the age group of boomers?
jeremy_1_03-06-2025_090908:They were born in the baby boom after the war.
dwayne_1_03-06-2025_090904:that's me, right?
stuart_1_03-06-2025_090907:Uh, yeah,
jeremy_1_03-06-2025_090908:older. I think you're
stuart_1_03-06-2025_090907:you're right at the cutoff, I think.
dwayne_1_03-06-2025_090904:Okay. Okay. I mean like, look, so far these are things like, these people ain't too smart. Maybe
dwayne_1_03-06-2025_090904:to go away.
stuart_1_03-06-2025_090907:think so either, because actually I'm, I'm, I'm designing a new house for some boomers and they've never had children. They're in their. Mid to late sixties. Uh, and it's on a farm. So they wanted a big mud room, a big laundry room, a big, you know,
stuart_1_03-06-2025_090907:to dump all their stuff after they come off.'cause they actually work the farm. So they have a lot of dirty stuff every day. I need to grab it, whatever. And one of the changes she made was she said, I love the size of this mud room, however I'd like to put the laundry in my closet She goes,'cause nobody has to use it except us. She goes, if we have guests, they're here for a few days and if they need to wash some panties, they should bring some extra.
stuart_1_03-06-2025_090907:I was like, oh, okay.
jeremy_1_03-06-2025_090908:in there. It makes everything so
jeremy_1_03-06-2025_090908:take it right out of the dryer and you put it right up.
stuart_1_03-06-2025_090907:Yeah. I think it's smart.
jeremy_1_03-06-2025_090908:I had, um, there, there was, uh, someone who bought a home in, in their closet there was the washer and dryer, and they were gonna take it out because they were concerned about all of the lint. And I
stuart_1_03-06-2025_090907:Again, what are these people doing to their laundry?
jeremy_1_03-06-2025_090908:and maybe, I don't know. I, I have no idea. But I mean, you could, I don't know. I, I,
stuart_1_03-06-2025_090907:And do
stuart_1_03-06-2025_090907:people realize how much lint and dust in their clothes hanging in their closet accumulate on themselves? I. I
stuart_1_03-06-2025_090907:mean, it's just part of it,
jeremy_1_03-06-2025_090908:I don't know.
jeremy_1_03-06-2025_090908:I love
stuart_1_03-06-2025_090907:Well, this survey you read was dumb.
jeremy_1_03-06-2025_090908:Well, I didn't say it was right.
stuart_1_03-06-2025_090907:Go to a different source.
jeremy_1_03-06-2025_090908:just fascinates me. What people, I mean, again, of course this, what was I listening to? There was a podcast I was listening to the other day, and these people were complaining about something. They were really, complaining is not the word. They were really bitching about something. And of course the, the irony was that what they were bitching about. It was the very thing that they were talking about, like there, and I can't remember how it worked, but I was like, it's so funny that you can't, you can't see the force of the trees, right? When I was reading it, I was like, this isn't making sense to me. I love it. Why do they feel like, feel like this? And I was like, oh, well there's things that I don't really care about and I probably have my own reasons and that probably means absolutely shit to anybody else.
dwayne_1_03-06-2025_090904:an opinion
jeremy_1_03-06-2025_090908:it's just an opinion at the end of the day. Yeah.
stuart_1_03-06-2025_090907:and you know what opinions are like.
jeremy_1_03-06-2025_090908:What, what, what is that? What
stuart_1_03-06-2025_090907:Assholes. We all got one.
jeremy_1_03-06-2025_090908:Well, with that, I think we can wrap up this week's episode. Thank you as always for listening. new episodes drop every Wednesday If you haven't downloaded our mobile shopping app HouseFloral yet, please do. You can join us in our live sales every Wednesday. Had one last night. That was fun. Showed a lot, bunch of New Spring stuff. Also, we have a, what's it called? voicemail. A I'm telling you, words are hard
stuart_1_03-06-2025_090907:A hotline,
jeremy_1_03-06-2025_090908:Oh my
stuart_1_03-06-2025_090907:Lord have mercy.
jeremy_1_03-06-2025_090908:We have a hotline. You can call 8 5 9 4 1 2 1 5 7 2, and you can let us know what pisses you off or what you can't stand or what you'd like to take a baseball bat to. And until next week, we hope you have a wonderful week, and we will see you all then. Thanks. Bye.