The Boys
Welcome to "The Boys" podcast, where business partners Jeremy, Stuart, and Dwayne come together after two decades of collaboration to share their expertise and passion for all things decor, home design, business, and floral design. Join this dynamic trio as they delve into the world of aesthetics, offering valuable insights, practical tips to elevate your living spaces, and a few laughs along the way.
But it's not just about design; it's about spreading joy and making the process enjoyable for everyone. The podcast is infused with the camaraderie and humor that comes from years of friendship and collaboration. Expect lively discussions, entertaining anecdotes, and a genuine passion for creating spaces that bring happiness and comfort.
The Boys
Fixing Dwayne's Problems
In this episode Dwayne gets some free design advise from Stuart and Jeremy about repeating issues he's running into in design projects. And of course we come up with solutions, if he'll just listen...lol
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I'm having a cola and a chocolate donut. Thank you, Stuart. My hormones are kicking in.
jeremy_1_08-01-2024_090627:Dwayne looks so content with that, with that donut.
stuart_1_08-01-2024_090627:He does. It's the quietest he's ever been. Oh
dwayne_1_08-01-2024_090628:Fixing my dad bod.
jeremy_1_08-01-2024_090627:Speaking of
stuart_1_08-01-2024_090627:Let's talk about this list of stuff. Pockets of the house, is what I'll call it.
jeremy_1_08-01-2024_090627:Pockets like, Dwayne just wanted to bitch about his problems.
stuart_1_08-01-2024_090627:Well, it did, but, you know. You know, and one thing that he put in here we've kind of already talked about a little bit. A TV
dwayne_1_08-01-2024_090628:We'll talk about it again. one of the things I keep coming back to is a problem in a continual discussion. Is we have a family room and we have the fireplace in the middle and the bookcases on each side and it's like, I don't really want the, TV over the fireplace. Can I put it on the side wall over here? And I'm like, well, you can, but if it's the family room, the TV generally is the, the. Core focus of the room on a nightly basis. So if you stick it on this side wall over here, only two people can see the TV. I'm not sure if that's the wisest use of the room. Well, can I put it in the bookcase on the side? Well, you can, and I have done that, right? And you put it, it comes out or it sits or it swivels, but ultimately it's not really super functional. Uh, so it lands over the fireplace and nobody seems to be happy. Okay. So what do we do?
jeremy_1_08-01-2024_090627:Well, I think we need to address why are they not happy? Why? Is, is it a pure, like they don't want it over the fireplace? Like, like they just don't like how the, how it looks or they, is it a physical thing where they feel like it's going to hurt their neck to strain to see it? Let's say they have a high mantle.
dwayne_1_08-01-2024_090628:Usually it's a static space. There are some where the mantel's higher, uh, but that's rare. So let's just really go most of the time. Aesthetics. It's just ugly to them over the fireplace.
stuart_1_08-01-2024_090627:I agree. It is ugly over fireplace.
jeremy_1_08-01-2024_090627:Bob, mine right there. Mine right there. Yeah.
stuart_1_08-01-2024_090627:it has to do more so with the height and size of the actual fireplace as to how aesthetic it's going to be. Like, Jeremy, your fireplace is kind of low. It's not a very tall fireplace.
jeremy_1_08-01-2024_090627:in the sun. Well, I mean, it, I mean, well, the, the mantle comes to my chin, so it's not like it's sitting on the floor.
stuart_1_08-01-2024_090627:No, but in some of these other. Homes that are, I'll say, newer, 15 years or now. That have these two story great rooms, whatever builder decided to put the mantle seven feet off the floor well, that means your TV is nine feet off the floor. So you are looking up at it, sitting on your couch. You're looking straight up at the ceiling fan. So that to me does bother me because there wasn't thought at the beginning. So if you do need to change it, then my instant alternative is put it over in a bookcase. Over to the side because that gets it usually lower because usually those bookcases have like a normal counter height or Similar area that you're not straining to look at a TV quite honestly And you can blend it in with other accessories and artwork and stuff and it kind of disappears And lets the fireplace be seen by itself. And Dwayne
jeremy_1_08-01-2024_090627:The sound didn't, the, the sound didn't pick up, but Dwayne goes just like, blows air out his mouth
stuart_1_08-01-2024_090627:he did. I know. I saw him. He's like, ugh. I mean, I can't help it if you're wrong. That's fine.
dwayne_1_08-01-2024_090628:The TV will set to the side and disappear around the access.
jeremy_1_08-01-2024_090627:Yeah. Yeah. Uh,
dwayne_1_08-01-2024_090628:Boy, it ain't gonna disappear. It's a big black
jeremy_1_08-01-2024_090627:if you, if
stuart_1_08-01-2024_090627:and I'm probably the wrong one to have this conversation because I'm not a TV centered person. I don't sit and watch TV every day after work.
stuart_1_08-01-2024_090627:I mean,
jeremy_1_08-01-2024_090627:If the family functions around the television, like that's just, that is how it, how it rolls, not, I would, I would say 80, 85 percent of the people like at night, they are around the television, right? Um, that's how you live. Well, let's make sure everybody can one, see it. So. Okay. So if, if, if it's an issue because the mantel's too high, can I get a different kind of mount that goes to the wall and then you can pull it down. So it makes it less, um, less of a strain for your neck. There's option number one. The other option is if you have a normal size height, the thing I loved that my friend Randy and Suzanne did when they had that deck in the back. Now, this is also like the extreme and the dream,
stuart_1_08-01-2024_090627:Well, of course.
jeremy_1_08-01-2024_090627:But there was actually a panel that went flush in the ceiling that then when they pushed the thing, this isn't on the outsourced outdoor patio that it came down, you could see the TV and when they were done with it, it went back up. Okay. There's also consoles and cabinets that you can put a TV inside and it's a lift. Like you can put it at the bottom, at the end of a bed, so you can put a TV in there and then it lifts it up when you want to see it. takes it back down. That's what I was asking. Like, if, if it's a, if they don't want to see the black. Or if it's, if it was too high, like, to me, it depends on how I would approach it.
stuart_1_08-01-2024_090627:Well, and to, to that point, you know, there are a lot of TVs now that are more mainstream that have, the frameless, the frameless TVs, you know, that you can have, they're artwork, so you can change it, and you know, well, five years ago, they were five, six, seven thousand dollars.
jeremy_1_08-01-2024_090627:Well, there's still 3, 000.
stuart_1_08-01-2024_090627:No, I just bought one for somebody's bedroom at Sam's club and it is a Samsung version and it was 950, 52 inch.
dwayne_1_08-01-2024_090628:Damn. Mm-Hmm.
stuart_1_08-01-2024_090627:it's like, those are becoming much more affordable most everybody. No,
dwayne_1_08-01-2024_090628:what, Stuart is saying is frameless. Then we bought the, the gold, usually gold for me, gold frame that goes on and attaches to it. And then we put a picture and we click it and it's Monet sitting up there half the time, right? Or some river scene or something like that. And that seems to resolve the issue for the most part. Because in a way. It reads like a piece of art that's up there. Is it electronic? Yes. But it isn't just a big old black box that's sitting up there and that seems to solve the problem some. It's, it's, it's not my first choice, but it's not my last choice, but I do end up blocking that. So that's how I've got around it is basically you're framing a TV with a picture frame and then you put a picture up there and I'm like, Oh, okay. I finally found that to be the most. For me, design, aesthetic, approachable, tasteful way to get around this. Because I'm going to tell you 99. 99 percent of the time, I'm going to put it over that fireplace, unless the customer says no, because that's just, for me, that's just where it has to go. And, uh, then we trim it out basically. The other little trick is, it is not getting the world's largest TV. You know, you want to have a scale, but if you make it to where I have, you know, You know, six inches or eight inches on each side that I can put something like hurricanes or jars or something, because a lot of times I've also run into it that the TV is so big. It's almost the size of the mantle from end to end, and I don't have a way to kind of dress up the mantle. Also, if we tweak the size, just a little bit, just give me a little bit on each side to do something with. I feel like it makes it look a little bit better, but that's how I've got around it. Once it's all centered
jeremy_1_08-01-2024_090627:if you're listening, and if there's a man in your life, tell him to back the hell off and shrink the TV a little bit. I call it straight men syndrome. They always want the biggest damnest TV to go up there, goes from corner to corner, ain't never gonna put anything else up there, and it just looks like a big ass, like, sad looking movie screen they've tried to put up there, and it looks ridiculous. Tell them to back off. Not off, off.
jeremy_1_08-01-2024_090627:Lord have mercy. Mm hmm. Hold on, by the way I love the fact that they're concerned about this black thing above their above their fireplace. Knowing damn well 90 percent of the time they're gonna have some real housewives up on that screen. Like, that's what's gonna be up. They're worried about having it nice for their friends when they come over. When 99 percent of the time it's gonna be You know, Kelly Clarkson, uh, talk show or the news, or they gonna have real housewives up there. I just, I find it hysterical.
dwayne_1_08-01-2024_090628:Okay, so we got some of the. We got we got her we got a fireplace look because ain't nobody ripping that fireplace down in my world They ain't taking that mantle down. They ain't gonna redo it. They're not gonna spend twenty two thousand dollars I gotta find in the static. So my aesthetic has been okay I'm gonna put gold frame on it and slap it up frame on there and move on. We look good
jeremy_1_08-01-2024_090627:Yeah, I think, I think that's sufficient.
dwayne_1_08-01-2024_090628:Yeah, it works i'm okay with that,
stuart_1_08-01-2024_090627:All right. Next.
dwayne_1_08-01-2024_090628:so now We're going to pivot and we're looking at that TV and we're going to turn 180 degrees and we're looking in the kitchen and there's that kitchen island and every time I have this swatting motion of stupid pendants and hanging down crap and I can't see, I'm at the sink and I can't see the TV over the fireplace because I'm in the kitchen because I got lights hanging down on my face. Is that my problem
stuart_1_08-01-2024_090627:That's your problem.
jeremy_1_08-01-2024_090627:Well, the way that you've explained it so far, I think it might be your problem. I've never had this guy. I don't understand what the problem is.
stuart_1_08-01-2024_090627:shorten your links on your pendants.
jeremy_1_08-01-2024_090627:Yeah. It sounds like the pendants are too low.
dwayne_1_08-01-2024_090628:I guess so. So you don't have a problem with pendants over the mantle? Or over islands rather?
stuart_1_08-01-2024_090627:We'll know
dwayne_1_08-01-2024_090628:that a trend that's come and gone?
jeremy_1_08-01-2024_090627:no. no. I I think, uh, no, I had no problem with pendants over there. I just think I like them over there. Um, You know, you want to get the height right. Um, but, you know, you also realize like if you want a hundred percent viewability to everything in your house from every perspective, you can't have anything hanging. So if that is a concern, well, you better bypass the pendants. Like you don't need to do it. Like that's, you know, um, but, um,
dwayne_1_08-01-2024_090628:I'm learning I must be a pendant hater.
jeremy_1_08-01-2024_090627:Well, I mean, I don't, here's what I don't care. I don't care for like the classic, um, 90s, maybe early 2000s, like those really small pendants. Um, like the small, like, Not that I feel like they need to be three foot wide by any means, but I do tend to care for more substantial Lights, I feel like if you're gonna put the effort into it Those are the ones I want to swat away because it's like they're little flies in my face Mm
dwayne_1_08-01-2024_090628:a problem with then.
stuart_1_08-01-2024_090627:Like little baby
dwayne_1_08-01-2024_090628:Because when you said that visually, I don't have a problem with like lanterns that are 18 inches, 20 inches, whatever the larger scale, but it's, yeah, you're, I guess, so it's the ones that are, I don't know, 10 inches or 8 inches or something like a little small things. I just don't care for
stuart_1_08-01-2024_090627:Just like a light bulb hanging there.
jeremy_1_08-01-2024_090627:Yeah, yeah, I mean, there are, there are, beautiful, ones of those that exist. I know we've all put them in. Um, if, but those usually also happen when we have a smaller island, right? Like you can't put a, uh, an 18 inch pendant or something, you know, something hanging over it if you've only got, you know, 40 inches or something for the island to
dwayne_1_08-01-2024_090628:Yeah, I guess. Yeah. So, as you say this, I don't have a problem with larger scale pendants. Uh, it's a small, it's a feel, it's feel dippy. Uh, does it look, do you do kitchens and you don't do pendants at all? Does it look naked to you that doesn't have anything? Does it look too plain?
jeremy_1_08-01-2024_090627:I'm not going to say always or never, but, uh, I usually would tend to do some kind of pin that goes for like, it's
stuart_1_08-01-2024_090627:See, and I'm, yeah, and I'm, I'm working on one right now and we've doubled the size of the island that was currently there. Okay. Um, and it's killing me how to figure out how to get a pendant over it because the ceiling is also vaulted. And I don't want to see 12 feet of chain. Or, you know, or truly probably 8 or 9 feet of chain. And then, a fixture.
jeremy_1_08-01-2024_090627:Can I do any like decorative, uh, beams that you can pull it from?
stuart_1_08-01-2024_090627:Well, the beams are with the vault. There's none that go across.
jeremy_1_08-01-2024_090627:you do any that are like lower, you know what I mean? Like, I don't know what those are called, but like, they're not really structural, but they're, they're just for look. And then you could put those where you
stuart_1_08-01-2024_090627:if we add it in there, but then I think it would. Hurt the space, quite honestly.
jeremy_1_08-01-2024_090627:Yeah, well, obviously I haven't seen it,
dwayne_1_08-01-2024_090628:It's a tough one. That's a
stuart_1_08-01-2024_090627:it's really, now there's ample light in there. I mean, the whole back wall of the house is glass. It faces right out there to a pool. There are can lights up there. There's under cabinet lighting on the perimeter of it, but I just want something over it.
jeremy_1_08-01-2024_090627:is the island centered in the vault?
stuart_1_08-01-2024_090627:No. Mm
jeremy_1_08-01-2024_090627:so I have seen where someone has had a piece of metal. Uh, I'm trying to think who did this. It was a designer. Um, they had something made that attached to, like, the side of the vaulted ceiling going up, right? Um, and so for the lack of a better, this is going to be a horrible description of it. But, like, you know the shelves that are, like, the, um, the pipe that have, like, the little fitting
stuart_1_08-01-2024_090627:that famous designer you're talking about was me, cuz I did that at Carriage Lane, so I could get lights over my vaulted island pendant. Ha
jeremy_1_08-01-2024_090627:Well, it wasn't you that I was talking about, because I remember I said on a TV show, but maybe I just stored it and forgot it, but congratulations.
stuart_1_08-01-2024_090627:ha! ha!
jeremy_1_08-01-2024_090627:so you could do something, like, I know that they did that coming out of the ceiling, and then they dropped the pendants, and that kind of also saved it. Um, so that's the only other option.
dwayne_1_08-01-2024_090628:Okay. So I circle back to this is my dilemma of me swatting, um, um, pendants away that you're like, no, no, no. Pendants are not a bad thing. Kind of revisit that, Duane. It's not a bad thing.
jeremy_1_08-01-2024_090627:Yeah, no, I don't, I don't think they are just don't put the little, this is always what also think what happens because what they find is so thin, like the little smaller thin ones, then they also feel like they have to put more. And the next thing you know, you've got
jeremy_1_08-01-2024_090627:three. Or they're like, I don't know if that's enough. And then they've done four and God help us if there's five. But I mean, you know, it's like, let's, let's not do more smaller. Let's do fewer larger. Like I think that that always pays off if you can. but you obviously have to have a certain amount of island space there to do that.
dwayne_1_08-01-2024_090628:So the dance is two larger ones, medium sized, pushed off the sides. Feels a little bit
jeremy_1_08-01-2024_090627:Yeah. And so like, I'm trying to think the measurement we did exactly on ours and our kitchen, cause our island is not that wide. It may be eight feet. Um, It might be a little bit less than that. I can't remember. But we have two and I think they're 16 inches wide. They might be 18. I don't remember. But they're not, um, they're, yeah, they're pushed off to the side because most of the time when you're standing at the island, like you're not, you're in the middle, right? So that's kind of like it opens up your, your view. So that's, that's always why I think it's easier to do two versus three because then you can kind of push it off. And they're, so they're closer to the ends. than they are. I mean, you know, like they're spaced correctly, I guess. And I was, listen, people, they say that, oh, here's a guideline to figure out where to place, like where to,
stuart_1_08-01-2024_090627:mm mm. That don't
jeremy_1_08-01-2024_090627:always like the only solutions that I can ever come up with that I feel when I can walk away and I say, Oh, I know this is exactly where it needs to go. Is I cut me a box to the size of or I cut me a shape of the out of cardboard. And then I actually put those in place because unless you get the size and the proportion and you get it where you need to go, that's the only way that I feel I can walk away from it and feel and feel absolutely like certain that that's where it goes. I mean, you've got some room, you got wiggle room
dwayne_1_08-01-2024_090628:pull it in 12 inches, right? You can, you can pull it in from the edge 12 inches, 18 inches. That kind of gives you a starting point. But ultimately, I need to be there when the electrician standing there holding it and we tweak it and move it. That's the only way I know do it work. Right? You can FaceTime it. It's doable.
jeremy_1_08-01-2024_090627:Now, fellow designers, if you're out there and you say, Oh no, I don't do that. I can do it. Good for you. I'm, I'm real happy for you,
dwayne_1_08-01-2024_090628:yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. No judgment, but that's just not how my eye sees it. Okay. So next dilemma, and I'll start with this because I do much more, very traditional houses, primarily. I don't do a lot of modern stuff generally, and I don't do a lot of any mid century modern, so I always do more traditional stuff. I set that up to get you to understand this. So Kathy music, everybody, Hey, shout out Kathy music. Uh, she wants an update. And so. Um, wanted to do, um, a pretty light in her family room and it's probably nine foot ceilings and, then she wanted a new ceiling fan in her formal living room and it's vaulted. So it's probably 22 feet and they use this ceiling fan daily because it's. big windows and it circulates the air and it, you know, bigger room like that. It gets hot. So they, they do need a fan. It's not just for chandelier. they need the fan. So let's start with the family room. Very traditional. We have matching facing sofas. We got TV over the fireplace, it's a really pretty room. So I really want to have the chandelier, but they also really kind of need the fan. Um, you know, some people just like the fan, like the feel of the fan, right? So I, on this one kind of lucked out and I found a fan that's beaded and it's got acrylic, um, blades on it and you can just have the light fixture, but you push a button and it turns it into a ceiling fan. So it's a fan delir. I don't know if you've heard that terminology people out there, but it's a fan delir. So chandelier, but then it turns into a fan and the blades are not huge, but it's just enough. To get the air circulating when they need it, but then most of the time it's just pretty chandelier It's beautiful and it wasn't crazy. It was under 500 bucks Really looks great. Perfect Solved all those problems. So that was easy, right? Now, that's a pretty good find for me to find that I thought it's easy Well, then I pivot to the very very traditional living room and we've done Four matching chairs and she's got a baby grand piano in the corner and we've got monogram pillows Well right now It's a white ceiling fan, um, you know, just generic ceiling fan and it does have a light kit and they do need it. Well, they could get around the light kit, but really it's ideally that needs a light in it and it's just this generic, you know, little ribbed glass hurricane, um, globes on it. So it's pretty darn generic, right? You kind of don't pay attention to it, but I felt like it was an opportunity to do something pretty. So I found another Fandelier chandelier, but it was this gold, uh, the quadrous, uh, foil shaped. It looked like a chandelier, but it's also had a fan built in the bottom of it. But the problem was it wasn't big enough. Cause this is a huge room and this light fixture was only, I don't know, 24 inches. And it's just that fan light fixture company. It wasn't big enough. I can't find a fan fan light combination that's traditional formal. That works in the room. So I'll say this, there's all kinds of really good, very modern fan interpretations out there that have a lot built into really great modern ones. But if you're looking for a traditional one, that's large scale, I can't find it. Have you all want any guidance or you like just give up on it and leave the white one as it is, and just, it disappears and be done and don't change it. That's where I'm at right now. Cause I can't find anything.
stuart_1_08-01-2024_090627:What do you mean, large scale? channel.
dwayne_1_08-01-2024_090628:Well, if the room is vaulted, it's 20 by 20, I'd probably need, you know, 50 inches, 60 inch fan, something like that.
stuart_1_08-01-2024_090627:And does it have to be white?
dwayne_1_08-01-2024_090628:gosh, no, no. I really want gold, but I can't do black. I can't do modern. I can't do, um, wood. It really doesn't make sense. It really needs to be a metal. If I'm going to do it, it really needs to be like a gold metal is what it needs to be for the vibe of the room. Once it's all said and done. Again, lots of really sleek. Sexy modern fans out there good looking ones. Well, but the room's not modern. I'm not doing modern at all So I either leave this white generic fan and just kind of let disappear Or y'all find me something because I I can't figure it out
stuart_1_08-01-2024_090627:What about if it was a, um, I'll have to send you the one I got for Allie's bedroom at the lake, because it's actually a whitewashed wood and it is a little bit more modern take because the, the light that's in it is, um, I'll say in a column for lack of better words. So it's just like a single light right under the fan, but the column of it is, is fluted. And that is gold.
dwayne_1_08-01-2024_090628:It could be a hybrid. It could, be, it could be a little
stuart_1_08-01-2024_090627:could go either way. I'll send
dwayne_1_08-01-2024_090628:Cause the one. right now, the, the light she's got there is it's, it's dated looking, even though it disappears in a way, right. But it is dated and generic and the room is really pretty, but it visually it's like, eh, right. It feels like we could do better, but it feels old fashioned. I guess I'll say that it feels old fashioned. So if anything, I would lean toward what you're just saying Stuart, it can be slightly more modern than old fashioned for me once it's said and done.
stuart_1_08-01-2024_090627:Right. Well, and I think you almost have to a ceiling fan because if you don't want that traditional generic look, because you're trying to update something, otherwise you're going to get what you find at Lowe's or you're going to have to it a little bit more modern. But I think, I think you can mix that though. I don't like ceiling panels with lights anyway. Unless they're integrated that you can't see them. So, that's why I got this one for her room. Cause it's like you don't even really know a light's there. Unless you turn it on.
dwayne_1_08-01-2024_090628:And I'm okay with that. I am okay with that.
jeremy_1_08-01-2024_090627:Well, we have discussed that I do not care for overhead lighting for almost any capacity. I mean, I want it to be pretty, but I'll never turn them on. and so for me, when it comes to a ceiling fan, which, we have to have a ceiling fan in the primary because I run hot. All the time. So I like my fan, so I can run into my face all the time. I want them just to disappear. I never want to notice them. So I never want a light in a fan. if I can obviously, so 99. 99%, I don't use any lights in there. so I just would rather it just disappear. Like, I think, I don't think you have to, do you have, do you have room to do like little, um, little floor lamps beside the, uh, the chairs? Or to do to to
dwayne_1_08-01-2024_090628:It's, it's really tall. The footprint's set. And I've got lots in there. Um, I'll revisit it with her and have another conversation. And see if we can get rid of the lights. And that might open up the search a little bit more. At this
jeremy_1_08-01-2024_090627:I just I want them to
dwayne_1_08-01-2024_090628:I'm in a corner. I'm backed into a corner. I'm backed into a corner. At this point I just walked away because I'm frustrated. So I'm just going to leave it. As again, I can leave it as it is and most people will never care, but she, you know, she said, if we can update this, I'd like to at this minute. I'm like, I don't know. So maybe this conversation will help me remand. That's why we're doing this. We're having this conversation to, to get people, get me to think outside the box and look at it through a different lens. And that's what you do with, this is the idea. It's like when you hire somebody, you have an idea sometimes of what you want your room to look like, but you just need a little more guidance or reassurance, or you just need a sounding board to say, okay, this is, this is what I'm thinking. Am I crazy? And that's what, you know, I'm using, I'm using some free design devices this morning.
jeremy_1_08-01-2024_090627:you're getting a bill
stuart_1_08-01-2024_090627:ha ha ha ha.
jeremy_1_08-01-2024_090627:Yeah, I would always rather than just be plain like I have no problem with them being like the solid one color Of course, I think I don't also deal with more formal spaces. I would say for the most they're less formal
jeremy_1_08-01-2024_090627:casual more comfy. I hate to use the word casual You know, yes, it is casual. I hate to use that word. I always want to say comfortable. Like, not that you're like expected to like wear shoes and stand up on the sofa, but like, you know, but you feel like you can. Sit and be comfortable and not worry. You're not going to break something. Right. Um, not that more formal means that you can't, we all know that there's rooms that you walk into and you're like walking, touching nothing in here. It's all fixed and
dwayne_1_08-01-2024_090628:My customers are hot
jeremy_1_08-01-2024_090627:Yeah. Oh, did you hear that customers? Dwayne called you poor.
dwayne_1_08-01-2024_090628:Did not.
jeremy_1_08-01-2024_090627:No, no, no. Um, I mean, I just think that there's like a, there's like that. That, that space in between. So like, I'm never looking for like a, like a fluted carved wooden. And I'm not talking about the one in Allie's room, Stuart. I'm talking about like, you know, like those, you know, the real bad formal ones that were
stuart_1_08-01-2024_090627:Oh yeah, big chunky that they
stuart_1_08-01-2024_090627:came from Kirkland's.
jeremy_1_08-01-2024_090627:Yes. God, or the Bombay company. Like they just blew up, but, um, so that's never really what I'm looking for. So for me, the less details, the better. So. And I don't care if it's, let's say it's a white ceiling. I don't care if it's a bronze or a darker black, or if there's iron or whatever I'm using in the room as well. Cause for me, it's, it's there and it just disappears. So I'm always like, I just, I don't want it. I know it's there. I want the function of it, but I don't need all the details in the goop and the golf, um, since I brought up Bombay company. I'm trying to think what I was listening to something or I was watching something and they talked about it. And do y'all remember the Bombay company
stuart_1_08-01-2024_090627:Oh yeah.
jeremy_1_08-01-2024_090627:list growing up? Okay. Now listen for the people who aren't from aren't around here. So I grew up about 45 minutes an hour away from where we are now. And in the country, I graduated with 143 people. There was not much industry from where I was from. It was more of a sleeper town. People slept there and then went somewhere else to work. So there just wasn't a whole lot. So we would go to the big town of Richmond, which was 15 minutes away, to the mall. Cause that was the closest mall that we had. But the real treat was if we came to Lexington, which is where we live now. Um, and there were multiple malls. Um, but the treat for me was going to the mall and running through the Bombay company and Kirkland's. I was just so excited seeing all this and All these tassels, and all this beaded trim on lampshade. What the hell was wrong with me? What? That was the, I guess it's funny because that was like the only You know, at that time I don't think I knew what home, I don't even know if Home Goods existed at the time. Um,'cause this would've been like years ago. Um, almost 20 maybe. So, but those were like my little moments of joy. And I guess were, I don't guess, there were a lot of home home decor stores. I guess I maybe from like local ones, I don't know what existed, but for, for me, honey, that was it. Mom could drop me off in the Bombay company and she'd come back hours later and I'm like three feet in. I've examined every square inch of that place.
stuart_1_08-01-2024_090627:Oh, it was your piece of
dwayne_1_08-01-2024_090628:They were uh
jeremy_1_08-01-2024_090627:That was the first place I ever
stuart_1_08-01-2024_090627:and they were, they sold a lot of stuff, a lot of knockoffs.
jeremy_1_08-01-2024_090627:and a lot of stupid stuff, and those little waiters and dog, uh, things where they held like a plate where you'd put like keys and stuff on, and like life size
stuart_1_08-01-2024_090627:Well, the Bombay company, the Bombay company brought Ethan Allen to everybody.
jeremy_1_08-01-2024_090627:Oh, is
stuart_1_08-01-2024_090627:I mean, it's true.
jeremy_1_08-01-2024_090627:is that, is that before Ethan Allen got real expensive?
stuart_1_08-01-2024_090627:Ethan Allen's always been
dwayne_1_08-01-2024_090628:no, they
stuart_1_08-01-2024_090627:They've always been expensive. It doesn't matter. And not many people could afford it. But then the Bombay company found out how to. Get the same look, but you put it together when you go home. Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha,
dwayne_1_08-01-2024_090628:well kids this is this is random I have this little um Little demi loom table that was the I've moved to the basement and it's just sitting there as a whole But because I really was gonna throw it away And it was from the Bombay company from like 30 years ago and it all rickety and the legs shaking on it So it was in my foyer when I first got my first house and it looked good on my aubergine walls Mm hmm. they purpley burgundy, but I put that purpley burgundy furniture on top of that purple burgundy wall You didn't even see it, but I thought it looked good Anyway, so I've still got that old Wrigley table now, and it's in the basement, and I really was going to throw it away, and Ian took it downstairs, and he stuck it somewhere, and I was like, okay, it's fine. So, we've moved the kids out of the apartment, now I've found, I have this extra console table that I actually bought for Ian, that is a really pretty piece. I don't have a place to stick this table cause it was for the apartment, but he loved it and he wanted it. He, it was his, but we didn't give it to Chloe cause he wanted it. But I don't know where to put it. So I'm looking at old rickety Bombay table down there in that little hallway. So I, this weekend, when I have a chance on Sunday, I'll just go take her to the curb and somebody else will give her a new life and I'll move my old antique. Table down there. This is, but she got onto the garbage. That's one of the last pieces of the Bombay company that I have left. That's a table. Uh, now I've got some little accessory things from that came from the Bombay company and, uh, but yeah, I got my last little Bombay table. She's still alive, but she's going to the curb this weekend. You said
jeremy_1_08-01-2024_090627:while, while we're on here, I looked it up. I was like, are they still around? And evidently they're still around, but they don't sell directly to the, to, uh, to consumers. It's really just a licensing company so you can license and I guess use their name to make stuff. Um, and it all, it has changed. Looking at the website, it
stuart_1_08-01-2024_090627:Well, I would say,
jeremy_1_08-01-2024_090627:It's a different look. That was the first place that I ever saw one of those little lamp cord covers. I never knew that those existed. That was, Lord, I
stuart_1_08-01-2024_090627:Oh yes,
jeremy_1_08-01-2024_090627:this is fancy. This is fancy. And there was a smell. And I also think I felt like, But now that I've gotten older, I realize like that, um, formaldehyde, uh, shellac smell that you often get when furniture comes in. Like, that's what the whole store smelled like.
dwayne_1_08-01-2024_090628:were smelling
stuart_1_08-01-2024_090627:high varnish, high
jeremy_1_08-01-2024_090627:varnish. Yeah. High. High on the varnish.
dwayne_1_08-01-2024_090628:Well, kids, those are my dilemmas that I was trying to get some resolution and see if I needed some guidance. And I was like, or what I was thinking. So you kind of talked me off the edge and, uh, make sure that I'm good. Is there anything y'all working on that you've been having problems with? Are y'all okay? Y'all got it figured out and I don't. Silence. Cause I work with professionals.
jeremy_1_08-01-2024_090627:waiting for Stewart Dancer first.
stuart_1_08-01-2024_090627:Uh, no, there's not a real issue. Well, my Island issue that we just already discussed is kind of the only thing that's
dwayne_1_08-01-2024_090628:That's a bad one.
stuart_1_08-01-2024_090627:in this particular remodel. Um, so no, nothing, nothing outlandish at the moment. we'll see.
jeremy_1_08-01-2024_090627:don't have, I don't have any current dilemmas. My, for customers, my current dilemma is time.
jeremy_1_08-01-2024_090627:That's my, that's my problem right now, is trying to get, uh, things done for people and, uh, in a way that it should be done and taken care of so that they still love me. Cause I love them.
stuart_1_08-01-2024_090627:Just be honest, they'll love you. Mm
jeremy_1_08-01-2024_090627:Well, I mean, I you know, I try to be like, you know, it is, it is what it is, but,
stuart_1_08-01-2024_090627:That's true.
jeremy_1_08-01-2024_090627:well, as always, don't forget, we have our hotline that you can call or text us at 859 412 1572. We're working hard to make sure that we're still able to bring you a new podcast every Wednesday. And if you have not downloaded our shopping app, be sure to do that because we are getting back into doing live sales. We had our first, we had our first one again this week. and the response has been very positive. So, um, we will just continue on. So, alright, we will talk to you all soon, and I'll see you all later guys. Alright, bye.
dwayne_1_08-01-2024_090628:Bye now.